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пятница, 14 мая 2010 г.
вторник, 11 мая 2010 г.
People in post soviet world lived in standards. Lots of things were framed and tabooed. Time and style of entertainment was also fixed _ from 8 to 10 p.m. walking on the Rustaveli Avenue, visiting theatre, and cinema and so called salon meetings. Old generation talks about that period of time with love and respect; when the feelings were more shy and hidden than today; when the teenagers would never been allowed to the night movie, because the time was fixed there too _ 6 p.m.
But today everything is different. Theatre, cinema, books, Rustaveli Avenue do exist nowadays too, but new style of life slowly took their place. Changing of time and destroying of soviet stereotypes established a new style of youth entertainment _ night club living. There are lots of opinions about night club entertainment, whether they are necessary or not, what does it give the youth or isn’t it only just fashionable going to night clubs and entertaining there. For older generations it is very uncommon and unacceptable to adapt to the fact that a teenager leaves home at night and goes to such place where the loudest music stresses the brain in monotony, girls flirt with boys, drink a little, breath in such smoke of cigarettes that you can not even differ boys from girls; where the time measure does not exist; the feelings are easily reached and touched … Today all these seem to be very natural and accompany our everyday life.
In Georgia night club culture has been existing for only last 15 years. First clubs in Georgia were “Berlin”, “Joy” and “Adjara”, where for the first time Georgian youth was able to just listen to the loud music and not think at the same time about what would his neighbor, family member or just an adult say about him; just think about how happy he was, that he can be free from his inner complexes for some little time.
The most successful club in Georgia still was “Adjara”. Its closing was not very joyful news for clubbers. They think that it was the only club that was corresponding to the standards of modern club. Night clubs became for many people sources of income. In the leading clubs of Tbilisi _ “N. O.”, “Safe”, “Cubic”, “Tiflis Club” the age of entrance is set _ 18 years old, so is the ticket price also _ 20-30 Laris. But with the help of Tbilisi acquaintance and friendship circles, 14-16 years old children also appear in the clubs that is discomforting other guests. Because of this, fights and accidents are very frequent too. We asked the manager of “Tiflis Club” Mr. Vako Kvachakhia the question whether is a citizen safe in the night clubs or not: “I think that nobody is safe from unforeseen accidents, that is why the security exists; it is a kind of guarantee of the peace in the club. I want to mention in general that modern society is very doubtful about the reputation of night clubs, some of them call it a nest for lewdness, and the others think that there is no need of clubs existence. In my opinion, this kind of attitude from society is temporary. The other topic is how modern Tbilisi clubs correspond to the world standards. So called “face” control is settling down time by time. That is why the club door is not open for everyone. This is also a mechanism of safety. Our visitors are basically people, who want to listen to the high-quality music. But there are also such guests who just want to have fun and dance. After some time club life culture will become more sophisticated in Georgia too.”
For the majority of modern society night club is a place, where ecstasy, Managua and other drugs are easily available for youth. The club owners have their argumentation about this. Dj Bako explains: “The trade of drugs is illegal and penalized by the state, and no one would risk it. But the youth still manages to get and buy the drug they want. I can say that the club is not a participant in that case. If someone wants to drink ecstasy or smoke Managua, he can do so at his or friend’s house too and the club has nothing to do with it“. But we still cannot refuse the fact that lots of murders and facts of realization of drugs had occurred in clubs. That was why club “Adjara” and “Gvirabi” were closed.
Is club life approved in Georgia? Probably not, and this failure will continue till the time when the club life culture will not rise in the society itself. One of the club life lovers, Beka (22 years old) says: “PR of modern clubs is disgusting. Every club owner wants to make their business more profitable and do not make any long-term plans for the success of the club and do not pay enough attention to the public contingent and music quality. Today the majority of people visit clubs to drink and dance, I am among them too, but I would wish to have better clubs in our city.”
In October 2009 the report of representative research showed that in last 3 months, from the autumn 2009 every third adult in Tbilisi visited cafes and bars for at least one time. The 19 % of visitors are active consumers. The demographic profile study of the café-bar visitors showed that the most active ones are young people from 16 to 24, the most part of them male.
In Tbilisi there also are seasonal clubs. Their existence is temporary and their owners are basically profit-oriented: “Prozak” in Batumi, “Switch” and “Vitamin” in Gonio, “Suliko” in Kutaisi etc.
The negative attitude to the night clubs is somehow caused by their location too. In Tbilisi the clubs are concentrated on Perovskaia and Shardeni streets. From different clubs located next to each other various type of music can be heard, and this may be irritating for population. That is why the club administration often gets a notice. Tbilisi City Hall has set special penalties. 1st penalty is a fine of 500 Laris; the 2nd fine is already 1500 Laris. The head of City Hall’s controlling unit David Avaliani says: “The populations contacts us almost every day about this matter and we do react in appropriate way. The Parliament of Georgia is working on a bill; according to it those café-bars which are located closely to the houses, are not allowed to play loud music after 12 p.m. More concretely, from 11 p.m. till 12 p.m. the owners can use 30 decifates (a sound unit), but after 12 p.m. playing loud music will be totally prohibited.
Regardless different attitudes in society, there are still people for whom the clubs is not only the means of relaxation, but a style of life. They write qualified and tasteful music, make visual and demonstrate their art in clubs. But such tasteful clubs are very few in Tbilisi, because demand in society is not very high. The majority of today’s clubs are arranged for teenagers, which have no claims about the tastefulness of the music.
And lastly, time will change everything, even the attitude of society. The club life will be improved and will take the place among other normal entertainment means. The fact that clubs are unacceptable for our reality is more or less understandable, because the things that are common for me today will become irritating time by time, although I am living an active club life nowadays.
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